Maintaining Ties with Supportive Family and Friends

CTS is located at 1407 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40203, in the Russell area of Louisville.

Residents are allowed visits with persons listed on their DOC approved visitation list. Visits are held on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. (See visitation schedule for dates.) Visits are limited to 4 visitors per resident unless prior approval is granted – residents may have more than 4 visitors as long as they ask for and receive permission from their Counselor ahead of time. Each resident is assigned a visitation day upon their arrival based on their last name.

New residents may have one drop off at visitation in their first 30 days after arrival. The drop off must consist only of items on the approved property list in appropriate quantities. The items must be boxed up as though they were going to be mailed, including resident name on the box. This excludes consumables. Consumables are not allowed. Packages received during visitation will be searched and processed by Administrative staff on the next business day and then distributed to the resident.

There will be no drop offs allowed after 30 days of residency. Residents may send items that they no longer need or want, or are not allowed with their visitors. The residents must make arrangements ahead of time to have the property retrieved from the property room.

Visitors must provide a photo identification each time they visit. Visitors are not allowed to bring in cell phones, cameras, bags/purses, tobacco products, open drinks, or any other item deemed inappropriate by CTS staff. Families with babies are allowed to bring in a bottle, a diaper, and wet wipes. Further visitation guidelines are provided when one signs in for visitation. All visitors are subject to search.

View/Download Visitation schedule for 2024 (PDF)

View/Download Personal Property List (PDF)

View/Download List of Contraband Items (PDF)

Children's play area

Children’s play area

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